Prior art keywords wall member clamping surface blade prior art date 1941-07-15 legal status (the legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion.. The invention relates to a coated woodworking tool (11), in particular a cutting tool, comprising a tool body having a cutting part (13), on which cutting part (13) a cutting edge (19) is formed.. Patent us2289504 - woodworking tool - google patents july 14, 1942. w. kromer 2,289,504. v woodworking tool filed july 15, 1941 inventor..
Metalworking, woodworking and material handling products
Vertical woodworking mortising tool machine or chisel
Whirlwind tool patents pending saw safety technology
Wood carving tool patent 1940 – workshop decor, woodworking, patent print, vintage tools, garage decor, tool poster, tool art $ 5.99 – $ 85.95 materials: patents, archival paper, archival inks, card stock, acid free paper, museum quality art print, lustre paper, blueprint, a smile. offers information on a variety of new patent applications, updated each week - check out woodworking inventions -. A combination woodworking tool is disclosed. the combination woodworking tool includes a frame having a horizontal bed for supporting workpieces. a rigid column is supported by the frame in proximity.